What is an Air Fryer?
An air fryer is a kitchen appliance that is used to make fried food. Air fryers have gained a lot of popularity as they serve people with low fat food. It is now easy for people to consume normally unhealthy food in a healthy way.
It still might not have a lot of importance in the kitchen at your home, but it is a great option for anybody to consider and is gaining popularity in recent times.

How Does an Air Fryer Work?
An air fryer is an appliance which cooks food by circulating hot air around the food using the convection mechanism.
It works in the following way:
- It consists of a mechanical fan; the mechanical fan circulates the heat at a high speed around the food that is being prepared.
- It helps in cooking the food and producing crispy layers with two kind of reactions:
Caramelization Reaction
In this reaction, due to food cooking in the air fryer, the sugar breaks down and forms a brown colour substance on the cooked food. It requires temperatures between 110-180 degrees Celsius.
Maillard Reaction
In this reaction the proteins in the food reacts with each other to form bases which then form other favourable compounds. It requires temperatures of between 140-165 degrees Celsius.
- The air fryer works by placing the desired food inside with a thin layer of oil.
- The temperature of the heat that is circulated should be about 200 degrees Celsius for the reaction to happen.
- By keeping the heat at 200°C, the air fryer browns the food by using 70% to 80% less oil than usually used in many households.
- Most air fryers have temperature or timer adjustment features in them which allows accurate means of cooking food.
- Food is cooked in a cooking basket that sits on top of a drip tray.
- The basket and the content in it should be timely shaken to ensure even oil coverage.
- Some air fryers have food agitators that continuously shake the food while some need the person themselves to shake the basket.
Safety Measures While Using an Air Fryer
- The parts of air fryer should not be cleaned under water.
- The basket should not be loaded with oil, using more than the required oil can lead to fire hazards or may damage the appliance.
- Users are discouraged to touch the air fryer while it is on to avoid shocks or burns.
- You should wait for at least 30 min before cleaning the air fryer, to check weather its cooled down or not.
- Covering the inlet or outlet of the appliances can lead to sever damage and can lead to bad quality of food cooked.
Be careful while using the electronic appliances. If you feel unsafe or unsure about any appliance, it is always suggested to contact the best appliance repair service provider near you.
Things You Should Be Aware of When Buying an Air Fryer
Time Management
The most important thing one should look into when buying an air fryer is time. Everyone loves getting food cooked quickly. With most of the world being busy with their business or jobs, considering this appliance, is a great option.
The functions of the air fryer should be easy to operate for a person. Hence while purchasing one, be aware of its functionalities.
Temperature Control
You should buy an air fryer which allows for changing temperature according to your convenience and the type of food being cooked.
Air fryers do not use a large amount of oil to cook food. This encourages people to use it in their daily life. As most people these days are looking for more healthier ways of diet, considering an air fryer might definitely be a great option.
Oily food can effect your health, that’s why air fryers should be used to be fit and keep you and your families healthy. To know more about your brand of appliance or for any repair services, just call us at ARS and we will be happy to help you.